DESTRUCTION: The time for denial is over (detail 2)
DESTRUCTION: The time for denial is over (detail 2)

Burnt/distressed wood and polyester map (180cmx135cm)

As I’d indicated with my last work, the ‘DESTRUCTION’ series of artworks was to focus initially on armed conflicts going on around the world and its impact on humanity. Now that the works are evolving, it’s clear in my mind that the conflict that sits above them all is the war on nature.
This is a war that we are inflicting not just on ourselves, but on every other living creature on the planet ... and indeed, the planet itself. A battle where there cannot be any victor.

This work ‘DESTRUCTION: The time for denial is over’ is focused on the climate emergency and states categorically that we, and those in positions of power and privilege, need to act. We may not have all the solutions within our grasp today, but we have the technologies and the people to implement positive change now. And, we must accept that we need a whole new way of thinking with much less emphasis on growth and more on simpler lifestyles.