Save our seas V (side view)
Save our seas V (side view)

Encaustic on cradled birch board with plastic components, aluminium can and seashells (28cmx40cm)

Nurdles are the little-known raw material for all our plastic products. Like crude oil, nurdles are highly persistent pollutants, and will continue to circulate in ocean currents and wash ashore. They are also ‘toxic sponges’ attracting chemical toxins and other pollutants such as e-coli and cholera on to their surfaces.

Nurdles are shipped around the world in their billions. During transportation is where they have the most potential to cause damage to the environment by accidental spillages. Nurdles are not deemed hazardous under the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) dangerous goods code for safe handling and storage. This is despite the threat to the environment.

Classifying nurdles as hazardous, as is the case for other environmentally harmful substances, would make them subject to strict conditions for shipping.