Mary Baillie Art YouTube channel updates

Check out the latest videos uploaded to my YouTube channel.
YouTube channel: Mary Baillie Art
My YouTube channel, 'Mary Baillie Art' has now been live since November 2020 and a variety of videos of work have just been added. I've recently discovered the joys of encaustics ie wax! My latest artworks have continued my focus on environmental issues. There's several videos showing work-in-progress and finished works. It's certainly been a challenge, but an enjoyable one.
Subscribe to the channel and you'll receive automatic updates when a new video is posted. You can also see what's been uploaded in the new 'videos' gallery here on the website.
My YouTube channel, 'Mary Baillie Art' has now been live since November 2020 and a variety of videos of work have just been added. I've recently discovered the joys of encaustics ie wax! My latest artworks have continued my focus on environmental issues. There's several videos showing work-in-progress and finished works. It's certainly been a challenge, but an enjoyable one.
Subscribe to the channel and you'll receive automatic updates when a new video is posted. You can also see what's been uploaded in the new 'videos' gallery here on the website.