'Plastic ocean: 2050'

Drowning in plastic!
This latest work continues on the theme of plastic pollution.
By 2050, it's estimated there will be more plastic (by weight) in our oceans than fish. There are now 5.25 trillion macro and micro pieces of plastic in our oceans and 46,000 pieces in every square mile of ocean, weighing up to 269,000 tonnes. Every day around 8 million pieces of plastic make their way into our oceans.
By 2050, it's estimated there will be more plastic (by weight) in our oceans than fish. There are now 5.25 trillion macro and micro pieces of plastic in our oceans and 46,000 pieces in every square mile of ocean, weighing up to 269,000 tonnes. Every day around 8 million pieces of plastic make their way into our oceans.